Ensure Auto Refinance

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Completing AutoLoan

After rateGenius negotitates the most suitable loan for your vehicle, a loan agreement is emailed or delivered to you without delay. Upon reviewing the details of the contract with your loan specialist, you sign the appropriate paperwork and return to rateGenius via the provided pre-paid postage envelope.
Once all the necessary paperwork is completed and received, our fulfillment team manages the last steps. A check for the remaining balance of your old auto loan is paid in full to your former lien holder. Any insurance or warranty paperwork is sent to the appropriate companies. Finally, your vehicle's title is transferred to the new lien holder, and the process is complete.
Congratulations! At that point you will have quickly and successfully refinanced your car, truck or SUV with rateGenius. At least ten days prior to your first payment with your new lien holder, you will receive a welcome kit including a payment book.

Auto Refinance Process


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